Children can be placed on the Waiting List from 6 months before the birth of the child. Parents are then offered positions at the Centre according to priority of access and date order with -
- A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
- A child of a parent (or both parents if you have a partner) who satisfied the Government’s work, training and activity test.
- Any other child.
When a position becomes available the Centre requires a Holding Deposit of two weeks full fees in advance. The Holding Deposit is refunded at the end of the enrolment. This Holding Deposit must be paid otherwise the position may not be held open.
Prior to any child being accepted into the Centre, an Enrolment Form must be fully completed by the parents and an interview held with the Director for the parents and the child.
For administration purposes, all forms including your Enrolment Form, and copies of Birth Certificate and Immunisation Records need to be returned to the Centre at least a day before commencement. This will ensure processing and information about your child can be distributed to the relevant staff in time for your child’s arrival.
Valid from 1st January 2025 (prices are current as at August 2024 and are subject to change in the future). Monthly fees are payable by the second week of each month, and are calculated as follows -
2.5 to 6 Year old
Preschool 9:00am-3:00pm $130.00 per day
Long Day Care 8:00am-6:00pm $146.00 per day
If your child is collected from the Centre after 6:00pm, you will be charged a late fee.
Once a child is enrolled at the Centre, payment of fees must be continued during the child’s absence for illness, holidays etc and when a child is absent for any reason we must be notified. The Centre is open 50 weeks per year between 7:00am and 6:00pm. We are open all year with the exception of Public Holidays and 2 weeks during the Christmas period. Dates will be advised.
Should you wish to change your child’s attendance pattern or end your child’s place at our Centre, our policy requires 4 weeks written notice.
Contact Us
St Ives Chase Kindergarten
120 Warrimoo Avenue
St Ives NSW 2075
Phone: 02 9449 8829